Programmable Media

Programmatic asset management tutorials

Last updated: Dec-19-2023

This page offers a library of short video tutorials showing how to use Cloudinary programmatically.

Programmatic upload

Upload Programmatically
Use a Cloudinary SDK to upload media assets
Create Upload Presets
Streamline media uploads using signed upload presets
Auto Upload
Automatically upload remote images and videos to Cloudinary
Auto-Tag Assets
Tag assets automatically during upload with AI in Node.js
Upload Images in Flutter
Upload images to Cloudinary using the Upload API
Upload Images in Node.js
Upload images to Cloudinary using the Node.js SDK
Upload Videos in Node.js
Upload videos to Cloudinary using the Node.js SDK
Upload Assets in React
Upload assets using the Upload widget in a React App
Upload Assets in SvelteKit
Upload assets using the Upload widget in a SvelteKit App
Upload Assets in Remix
Upload assets using the Upload widget in a Remix App

Direct interactions with the Cloudinary APIs

Generate Upload Signature
Generate a timestamp and signature for a signed upload
Postman Collections
Get set up with the collections and make your first request

Cloudinary SDKs

Find Your Credentials
Learn how to find your cloud name, API key and API secret
Configure the JavaScript SDK
Install and configure the Cloudinary JavaScript SDK
Configure the Flutter SDK
Install and configure the Cloudinary Flutter SDK
Configure the JavaScript SDK in Svelte
Install and configure the Cloudinary JavaScript SDK using Svelte
Configure the Node.js SDK
Install and configure the Cloudinary Node.js SDK
Configure the Vue.js SDK
Install and configure the Cloudinary Vue.js SDK
Delete Assets with Node.js
Delete assets using various methods from the Node.js SDK

Cloudinary CLI

Get Started with the CLI
Set up the CLI and get familiar with some basic commands
Scripting with the CLI
Use a script to create an animated GIF
Get Creative with the CLI
Create an image sprite from pages of a PDF
Upload with the CLI
Apply background removal to images on upload


Upload Widget
Embed an Upload Widget in your site
Product Gallery
Embed a Product Gallery in your Web or WordPress site
Product Gallery in React
Embed the Cloudinary Product Gallery in a React app
Product Gallery Accessibility
Provide keyboard controls, alt-text for screen readers, and more


Enable Automatic Backup
Automatically back up your uploaded assets
Restore Asset Versions
List, preview and retrieve previous versions of an asset
Restore Deleted Assets
Find and restore deleted assets from backup

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